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Animal Laboratory Disinfection

I. Diffusion Disinfection

The VHPS can reach 106 Sterile Assurance Level.The whole disinfection cycle needs 2-3 hours, depending on the disinfection space size.

Good compatibility with metal materials, electronic instruments, office equipment, laboratory equipment, etc. in the room. 


II. Pipeline Disinfection

TAILIN VHPS generator can be connected to IVC host equipment through safety interface or hose to disinfect various bacteria, viruses, budding spores, etc. inside the cage.  The sterilization ffect can reach106. It is used in the internal closed space and pipeline of various equipment: such as IVC, isolation package, biological safety cabinet, clean bench, material transfer chamber, large cage cleaning machine, etc.


III Sterile transfer for animal cages and other materials

Vaporized hydrogen peroxide (VHPS) is used as the bio-decontamination agent, 

and the decontamination is efficient and environmentally friendly under low temperature and atmospheric pressure. 

In the bio-decontamination and aeration stages, the VHPS fed into the chamber is filtered through H14 HEPA filters

 to prevent contamination of the material. 

It is used to tranfer the animal cages and other materials into the high-grade clean area.


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