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TAILIN participated in the release of two industry standards

This year (21st, August 2021), the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the Peoples Republic of China has promulgated 250 industry standards, including 3 standards in the pharmaceutical equipment industry.



As the first drafting unit, TAILIN participated in the release of two of them. Based on extensive industry experience and enterprise strength, TAILIN has made huge technical support for the formulation and promulgation of these two standards: No.126 (filter integrity tester) and No.127 (vaporized hydrogen peroxide concentration detector).

JB/T 20200-2021:

【filter integrity tester】

This document specifies the terms and definitions, marking, requirements, test methods, inspection rules, labeling, operation instructions, packaging, transportation, and storage of the filter integrity tester.


JB/T 20201-2021:

【vaporized hydrogen peroxide concentration detector】

This document specifies the terms and definitions, marking, requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, operating instructions, packaging, transportation, and storage of the vaporized hydrogen peroxide concentration detector.


As a national high-tech enterprise, TAILIN will focus on technological innovation and leading technology all the time to make full efforts for promoting the development of the industry.

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