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Used for sterility test and microbial limit test of  lactam antibiotics.

It can also be added  to TSA culture medium to effectively inactivate antibiotic dust scattered in the production workshop 

and accurately monitor environmental microorganisms.


1. It can be used for the sterility test of β-lactam antibiotics raw materials and drugs for injection.

2. It can be used for the microbial limit test of oral and other β-lactam antibiotics 

Technical Parameters

TypeLyophilized powder/ LiquidLiquid
Enzyme Activity2.1 million IU/vial

15 million IU/vial

Specification5mL/vial OR  7mL/vial3mL/vial OR  5mL/vial
Shelf Life12 months12 months
Storage 2~10℃2~10℃


Used for sterility test and microbial limit test of lactam antibiotics.



Technical specifications are subject to change without notice. Copyright reserved by Tailin.

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