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Sterility Test Pump HTY-601
Sterility Test Pump HTY-601
Sterility Test Pump HTY-601

HTY-601 is a classical sterility test pump made by TAILIN, which is light, compact, stable and economical.


Minimalist design, less space occupancy and air flow disturbance;

Mirror polished stainless steel body which is easy to clean;

Stepless speed regulation with speed memory;

Safety hood to protect the operator.

Technical Parameters

1. Power Supply:AC 220V//50Hz 

2. Power Consumption:60W

3. Speed:15-300rpm

4. Height (incl. hanger rod):43cm

5. Net Weight:11.5kg

6. Dimensions:22.5×34.0×10.5cm


Used together with the sterility test canister for closed membrane filtration sterility testing.



Technical specifications are subject to change without notice. Copyright reserved by Tailin.

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